About Us
Oromo Evangelical Church of London
We the people of God, born from our heavenly father spiritually to be his ambassadors on earth after been saved by his grace, commit ourselves to serving Him tirelessly. Hence, the Oromo Evangelical Church of London is established on the truth of the wholly bible to follow Christ who is the way, the truth and life in order to gain all the gifts of the Holy Spirit which will bestow on us the power that will fulfil his great commission as given to all churches on earth. The great commission gives commands to all Christians to go around the world to spread the good news and make humans his disciples (Matthew 28:16-20).
Waa’ee Keenya
Waldaa Warra Wangeelaa Oromoo London
Nuti ijoollee waaqayyoo warra hafuuraan isa irraa dhalannee biyya lafatti isa bakka bu’uun ha jiraannuuf Waaqayyoo araara isaan nu fo’stee dha.Kanaaf, Waldaa Warra Wangeela Oromo London dhugaa hunddee wangeelaa irratti hundaa’uu dhaan Yesus Kiristos isa Karaa, dhugaa fi jireenya ta’e faana bu’uun abbommii inni Waldaa kiristyaanaaf Waneela Maatiyoos 28:16-20 abboome raawachufis tattafattuu dha.

Our Purpose
Our vision is to worship the Lord our God and creator, preach and spread the Gospel in our own God-given Oromo language, Afaan Oromo, and to provide holistic support to fellow Oromos and others in London and at large.
Gooftaa Waaqaa fi Uumaa keenya waaqessuu, Wangeela Afaan Oromo isa Waaqayyo nuuf kenneen lallabuu fi facaasuu utubbii hafuuraa guutuu Oromota keenyaa fi warra biraatii kennuudha
Services / Tajaajila
We worship in spirit and in truth the lord of Lords and kings of kings who is worthy of all worship and praise and give glory through his Son Jesus Christ, his creation, works by understanding his unconditional love he has for all human race. Brethren we warmly invite you to our church as it is great to be together as King David said ”how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity!” Psalm 133:1
Waaqa hafuura fi dhugaa, waaqa waaqotaa fi gooftaa gooftotaa isa waaqeffannaan fi ulfinni hundi ta’uufii malutti amananna, karaa ilma isaa Yasuus Kiristoos gala ni galchinaaf, uumamaa isaa hojiiwwan isaa fi jaalala haalamaleessa inni dhala namaa hundaaf qabu hubachuun ni waaqeffanna. Mootiin Daawiit akkuma” Ilaa obboloonni walii wajjin jiraachuun attam gaariidha, attam namatti tolas, “akkuma jedhe obboloota keenya gammachuudhaan gara waldaa amataa keenyaatti ni afeerra.” Faarfannaa 133:1

Baptism and Dedication
Our Church baptises and dedicates children as well as equip parents with the words of the Lord in order to raise and shape the next generation of Christ’s followers.
Cuuphaa fi Eebbisuu
Waldaan Kenya sirna cuuphaa fi eebbisiisu raawachuudhaan ijoolleen fi maatii sagalee waaqayyootiin utubuudhaan dhaloota duuka buutu Goofta keenya Yesus ta’an jajjabeessaa
Sunday School
Our Sunday school gathers our children to learn the word of God and praise God by singing various gospel songs.
Baruumsa Sanbataa
Ijoolleen yeroo hundumaa sancta guddaa wal ga’uun dubbii waaqayyo baratu, do’ii draamafaa argisiisu Waaqayyoon immoo faarfannaadhaan waaqessu.

History / Seenaa
The Oromo Evangelical Church of London started as a home prayer group in early 90’s. The group became more active from mid 1994 conducting weekly prayer meetings with small number of participants. The participants committed themselves to worshiping the Lord our God and Creator, and to preach and spread the Gospel in our Language, Afaan Oromo, and to provide holistic support for fellow Oromos and others living in London in particular and the United Kingdom in general. It is historical and amazing blessing of the Lord to worship God in London, a city where the first translation of the Holy Bible in Oromo language was published in 1899 by the pioneer Oromo, the Revd Onesimus Nessib. Onesimus was initially captured by slave traffickers while herding cattle with his widow mother at his birthplace, Hurrumu, in Western Oromia region in Ethiopia. He was sold into slavery eight times until he was miraculously rescued by a Swedish missionary who took him to a Christian school in Massawa, a Red Sea port of Eritrea.
In the mid 90’s the gross violation of human rights in Ethiopia reached its high level forcing many Oromos to flee their country in order to seek protection in most parts of the world such as Europe, North America and Australia. Hence, the God Loving Oromo people who live in Europe planted churches to continue building relation with their God. As a result, there are a number of Oromo churches in most parts of Europe, where our church played a vital role in bringing together many Oromo Evangelical churches in order to establish the Union of Oromo Evangelical Churches of Europe (UOECE) in 2010. UOECE aims to build strong relations between across the continent and beyond and to advance the gospel news via radio Warra Wangeela and various means to those who understand Afaan Oromo..

Waldaan Warra Wangeelaa Oromoo London gara jalqaba bara sagaltamootaa keessa akka gurmuu kadhannaa manaatti kan jalqabme bara 1994 jabaatee miiltoma namoota muraasaatiin kadhanna torban torbani tahe. Miiltonni sunis Gooftaa Waaqa fi Uumaa keenya waaqessuuf of kennuudhaan Afaan keenya Afaan Oromotiin Wangeella Lallabuu fi Oromota keenyaa fi namoota biraatiif utubbii hafuuraa kennuudhaaf of kennan. Luba Onesimos Nasib karaa saaqxuun Macaafa Qulqulluu bara 1889 keessa Afaan Oromotiin hiikaa isa jalqabaa bakka itti maxxansiise Magaalaa London keessati waaqayyoon waaqessuun seenaa qabessaa fi eebba Gooftaati. Onesimos duraan biyya Itophiyaa keessa, Lixa Oromiyaa bakka Hurrumuuti haadha isaa ishe haadha iyyeessa wajjin utuu saawwan tiksuu warra nama gurguraniin butame. Hamma karaa hin yaadaminiin warra ergamoota Suwiidinitiin oolfamee mana barmootaa warra Kiristiyaan Mitsiwwaa Bakka Buufataa Qarqara Galaanaa biyya Ertiraati ergamutti si’a saddeet gurgurame.
Dhiyeenyatti miidhaan saba keenyatti hammaata yeroo dhufetti lammii keenya biyya Awurooppaaf gara Ameerica kaaba fi Australiyaati godaanuun itti fufe. Haaluma kanaan wal qabate biyyoota Awuroopa gara gara keessatti bakka lammi keenya qubatanitti Waldootiin kiristiyaana huhundeefamuuf carraa uumu irraa kan ka’ee Waldaan Warra Wangeela Oromo London ga’ee ishee irraa eegamu raawachuun bara 2010 Tokkummaa Waldootii Warra Wangeelaa Oromoo Awurooppaa (TWWWO hariiro waldooti jabeessuu fi babalina hojii wangeelaa saffisuuf karaa radio warra wangeelaa fkkf itti hirmachuun Wangeela gooftaa keenya Yesuus Kiristoos warra afaan Oromoo dhaganiif.